Music Tuition

​​​​​The Instrumental Program is a co- curricular program, external to the Music curriculum studied in class, and provides students with the opportunity to further their instrumental playing as well as developing their musical ability through individual or group tuition.

Music helps develop friendships across year levels, encourages creativity and self-expression and develops a range of skills associated with playing and/or singing together.

Students of all abilities and year levels can participate in private and/or group tuition at the College in a range of instruments. Tuition at the College is conducted by external tutors before and during school and includes private tuition on a weekly basis in:
  • Piano/Keyboard
  • Guitar: Electric & Acoustic
  • Bass Guitar
  • Drums
N.B.  The employment of tutors is subject to the number of students enrolled in an instrument.  AMEB and other examination syllabi are available on request.

Performance evenings are also arranged throughout the year to showcase the achievements of students learning an instrument at the College. In addition, students can participate in one or more of the many ensembles available here at the College. Involvement in a variety of performance events during the year makes for an enjoyable program catering for all students.

The enrolment form fior the Instrumental Tuition Program is available here:
