Our faith life and religious education is a strong foundation on which our College is built.
Our students are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so they can participate critically and authentically in faith celebrations and rituals, and in wider society.
They are challenged to question and critically evaluate the culture of which they are a part, casting the light of gospel values over cultural values to ask where they offer love, forgiveness and welcoming the outcast.
Our Vision
Chisholm Catholic College is a Catholic learning faith community where we promote peace, provoke learning, pursue possibility.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to Live Christ's Challenge. We believe that each person in the community has the ability to positively influence the lives of others.
Our Values
Our College recognises that for a successful tomorrow, our young people need a core belief, a sense of hope, opportunities to shine, to be recognised and extended … and then they will flourish in the College FAMILY.
FAITH – Personal relationship with Christ, whom we meet in each other.
AMBITION – Reaching our full potential. “Be ambitious for the higher gifts."
COMMITMENT – Striving to reach goals, achieve success and experience wholeness.
INTEGRITY – Undivided and wholly committed to promoting the good of all.
LOVE – Making God present in the world through justice and compassion.
MERCY – To be life-giving, inclusive and embracing of all. “As God is, so we are to be."

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Chisholm Catholic College (2017)